Monday, March 5, 2012

AirSimmer Update.

FS9. AirSimmer has released Update 1.4 today. I personally purchased/refunded this aircraft twice due to the slew of bugs. It's nice to know they are still alive over there and working on them. 

The new update includes:
1. Fixed sound loss when accessing FS menus
2. Fixed C CHORD sound
3. Changes to FADEC & FBW logic: fixed Autoland and A/P logic stability in MANAGED CLIMB/NAV & OP CLIMB.
4. Textures added for users having frame rate issues

Check your TabletPC for the update.


((-D')) AirDailyX

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go on youtube and search for Airsimmer advanced. Looks like there is some progress.

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