Saturday, April 2, 2011

News about SIRX 2009...

SIRX 2009 team has finally posted a message on the Mega project status../.

According to Leonardo Girardi, a final deal has been signed between the Italy Environment department, the SIRX team and the service provider in charge of maps and imagery. Surprisingly, it appears that the initial project was not planned to authorize freeware addons for the flight sim market. The initial project access was restricted to public and governments administration only.
Today, the deal gives clearance to commercialize paywares products in return of expensive royalties. Leonardo explains that a first product is planned for X Plane platform as the framerate is friendly (around 40 FPS/sec). On FSX, right now, considering the high level of technical demand (seasonal textures, autogen, good framerate...), the SIRX project is still in the expectation. Dense areas surrounding airports in Venezia, Genova or Reggio Calabria, for instance, are too much challenging in term of framerate (around 12-20 fps/sec).
The X-Plane version will be available for X Plane 10 as well.
More informations will be available soon. Two websites will be launched, SIRX-X Plane and SIRX-FSX to keep us informed.

If you speak italian, you can fin the original text with more details.

If the team read my post and if they find a mistake, they have priority to send me a comment but i thing i got the whole idea here in this summarize.

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