Sunday, March 6, 2011

V.C. Bird TAPA : not the scenery of the year

The airport of V.C. Bird Intl in Antigua and Barbuda island is an interesting choice. In Caribbean region, designers are usually diving on the same places ; St-Martin Princess Juliana, french islands. From my recollection, this is the first time in my simmer's life i can fly there ! Interesting choice but not an easy task to depict this declining airport that has nothing really signicative apart a decommissioned runway.
At the first glance, the scene is too quiet. Despite some road traffic, i cannot see any animated airport vehicules, no boats, no people. The photoreal ground is a bit to blurry (basically its not Tropical Sim's fault) but i would have almost keep the original textures. In city center, Saint John, i did not see any new building, no harbor, no boats. At the airport, hangars are really impressive and have inside photoreal textures, but there too, i would have loved some old regional aircrafts at maintenance. The main terminal, with its red-pink tone, is really nice and exotic but the tower is too simplistic compared with the real one. At night, lights are far too fade and we barely see the hangars.
Anyway, i will enjoy to fly from here across islands, there are a lot of possibilities and you can even plan to cross the Atlantic and take-off/land here on a heavy 747.
To conclude, of course its not a big failure, the airport is neat and exotic but i would have liked some imagination here to get an amazing place. You know what ? Thats scenery is a recollection of the old Tropical sim sceneries made 2 years ago. Problem is, Bilbao was a far better work and T.S. can do real better. Until they show us their next hard work, enjoy Caribbean. There are a lot of flights around, from and to TAPA ; Martinique, Guadeloupe, Saint-Martin, Porto Rico, Grenadines, Dominique etc, Virgin islands (British, US)...

Yes, this corner of the scenery is a nice job, good textures.

Simplistic Cessna. To reduce fps ? Even so...

Much more windows on the real tower.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the airport should have had the surrounding buildings that really make the airport beautiful. The banks, the restaurant,the cricket field, etc. To me, the color was a little off, as I travel back and forth to Antigua quiet often. It is a small airport and small island, so investing the time in doing the photo scenery like Newport X, completing the city, St Johns, and maybe adding the photo scenery for Barbuda (the sister island) would have made it excellent. Also, the island is swamped now with a lot of gulfstreams and other private jets. which could have been added. Plus, the US navy base could have been realistic, with the village of Pigotts (which is southwest from the airport) could have been added. Oh well, hopefully Latinvfr or some other company may redo or add to this one. On final note, the updated St Thomas was way way better than this airport. It appeared to be rushed.

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