Wednesday, March 2, 2011

KSFO test : In order to respond to last comments and requests about FSDT comparison, i will publish a test with Fly Tampa Rebooted and FSDT tomorrow and this week-end. Remember that to test framerates is very tricky and depends on many criteria. If you never open the external view, the FPS usually remain good. My next test will be fully detailed and argued.
Update : To Daniel, beta tester ->  Updated 2 to Daniel ; Thanks for the compliment Daniel, i really appreciate. Yes you are totally true about FPS. 14 is a bad score. But i remember of very bad Flight Simulators (maybe the FS 98 version), at that time people knew about jerks ! I think what trunked my test is the Matrox triple head. Maybe the card is reducing performance even on lower resolutions. Anyway, if i a uninstall UTX and tune the road traffic a little, Jee... i am shure i will be happy. I am not an expert. I launched the post with the idea of comparing each others our performances. If 8 people tonight drop a comment with their FPS and config, it will be a great step for everybody ! Thanks again Daniel ! 
A first reply about my test campaign. First, i remind you that personaly these FPS are quit good for me. Having an average 9-14 FPS on FSX on my config, i consider this as quite smooth and yesterday i really enjoyed my test flights. Considering tweaking my system, i will do it someday but if you start tweaking, sorry we are not bound to do that. If there was a message, it was, oh wow minute, Flightbeam tested performances on US standard (I7 core for all), that is far from the reality on Europe and even in South America. KSFO is a marvelous product, i wrote enough no to have to prove it again. Anyway, Daniel, i really thank you for your comment and will try to change some criterias according to your comment.

1 comment:

Daniel said...

Ok, maybe my English is to bad, so I missunderstood your entry. For me 14 fps is a bad framerate. I apologize for my slight aggressive comment...

BTW.: Nice blog. It is one of the most up-to-date FS News Site.

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