Monday, March 21, 2011

Liverpool, new masterpiece

While Gary Summons (UK2000) is polishing minor details on the airport, Kevin Firth designs the airport surroundings that include some large areas of industrial parks. UK2000 is not FSdreamteam nor Fly Tampa but i love this english touch. When looked with scrutiny../.
../.. the airport isn't over textured with photoreal pictures but details of grounds, buildings are really nice. Its something different, its Gary Summons's touch and Kevin Firth is walking in his feet. I hope someday Gary will take time to communicate about UK2000 a bit more. Is he alone ? Does he have some projects outside United Kingdom ? Etc. Liverpool EGGP is planned for april.

"Palace Chemicals" in the airport surroundings

One of the buildings of Spindus road area.

To see more news on Kevin Firth work around UK2000 Liverpool ;

1 comment:

Dom Mason said...

Great work Kevin !
Are you planning to release a single .exec. file later for the whole scenery ?


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